Saturday, May 2, 2020

Dirty Van Pictures

The Dutch tax administration will give you a 1/3 rate on monthly auto taxes if you apply and meet requirements. So back in February I got my license plate transferred over to a camperbus by the RDW and they gave me a new license plate (license plates stay with the vehicle, not with the owner). So now, to get the new tax rate, I not only have to show that it's been inspected and approved as a camperbus, but I also have to send photos to them.  So today, I took some quick photos while she is dirty and still in the middle of getting the ceiling finished.

the bed as a 3 person sofa

Check out the new cabinets over the sofa bed!

Kitchen looking a wreck. 

Inside the cabinet under the sink-- clean water and grey water tanks. Notice the old iron shelving unit is still intact under here. Helps to keep the tanks in place and not sliding around.

Floor shot: this is the Whale foot pump for water to the sink.

This is how the bed looks when open for 2 people.

Nice super long bed! it is 200cm long for us tall folks with dogs.

Often I open the bed up half way so that the short mattress makes a lounge chair. The swinging table swings over the bed mattress and makes a side table for the lounge.

Here you can see the bed half opened. Things can get shoved under here if you want.

Our kitchen sink and stove combo in stainless steel. Super easy to clean

Our ugly little kitchen!  That white Dometic fridge is going to be exchanged for a different 12v fridge soon.

The over the bed cabinets with their new doors!

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Watertank Cover

  The new watertank cover is finished and installed. I'm very pleased with it.