Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Over The Bed Window

This morning I made a hole above the bed for our window. I've been planning this for weeks, but kinda scared to do it. I've finally watched enough YouTube videos to feel comfortable doing it. Right now it's drying. I've put oil based paint over the raw metal edges to seal them against rust in the future. Soon I'll pop in the Seitz window, purchased used for 35 bucks off Marktplaats. A new one is near 400 euros(about 430 US dollars).  

To Stain or Not to Stain

Here is the inside view of the new doggie door. I have to saw the corner off the wood piece that makes the door latch, but that is easy. Then I need to decide if I'm going to stain the door. I probably should. It's just work I dont want to do this week.

Watertank Cover

  The new watertank cover is finished and installed. I'm very pleased with it.